Fight back pain in the lumbar spine

Health complaints at work: causes, symptoms, solutions

Prevent work absences

Lack of exercise, stress, wear and tear

There are many causes for back and neck problems. According to statistics, every fourth German goes to the doctor at least once a year because of back problems. This not only affects physical health, but also the employer. Because of chronic back problems such as back pain in the lumbar spine, many employees are temporarily or even permanently unable to perform their jobs. Whether privately or at work, one agonizes through everyday life. Simple measures are often enough to alleviate the pain.

Frequent and prolonged sitting leads to neck and back problems. Hardly anyone does not complain about pain or tension. According to experts, over 80 percent of all Germans are affected by such complaints in the course of their lives. The complaints often subside in a few weeks with massage or drug treatment. However, the complaints massively restrict the patient's leisure time and job and make life a misery. The quality of life falls by the wayside.

For the majority of those affected, the symptoms recur again and again. Treatments have a temporary effect, but in the long term the pain persists or worsens. Back pain in the lumbar spine becomes an affliction and quickly becomes chronic.

Consequently, absenteeism in companies also increases from year to year.

Back pain in the lumbar spine and the work

In industries where the body is subjected to heavy loads, there is a high risk for the back. Sick leave due to back pain in the lumbar spine is becoming more frequent. In the worst case, employees have to miss work permanently or even retire early due to chronic conditions.

Back pain can also affect the psyche. The consequences are concentration difficulties, as well as a drop in performance or motivation. Experts at Techniker Krankenkasse have determined that surgery is not always the best way to combat the ailment. Surgery should always be the last resort and should only be performed if a specific cause for the condition can be identified.

In up to 90 percent of patients, medical professionals are unable to identify a clear physical cause, such as injury or bruised nerves.

To counteract back pain in the workplace, it is necessary to determine the cause. With this knowledge, the problems can be eliminated in addition to the symptoms.

Employees in industry are often subjected to great strain from constant standing, stooped postures, or carrying and lifting heavy objects. Added to this are strains caused by monotonous and one-sided body movements. In addition, prolonged sitting, stress and tense or weak muscles often lead to back pain.

Other ways to reduce or even completely eliminate the pain seem trivial at first glance, but they are usually very effective.

back pain

The patient must take his well-being into his own hands

Often, back pain in the lumbar spine can be treated without surgical treatment. Because of the pain, one tenses up even more or puts one-sided strain on one's body. Often the short-term use of painkillers in the form of tablets and ointments is recommended.

Heat treatments and massages can also help relieve or prevent back pain in the short term. However, the choice of the right technique depends on the pain condition. For acute pain, for example, massage can be helpful because it stimulates circulation and thus speeds up the healing process. In the case of chronic pain, on the other hand, heat treatment is more suitable, as it loosens the muscles and thus prevents or relieves tension.

In this way, my prevents greater muscle cramping, relieving postures and in this way allows further measures to be pursued. Movement, stretching and strengthening of the muscles is the be-all and end-all.

The right exercises to promote mobility and strengthen the muscles, these measures even ensure that patients become completely pain-free. At the same time, these exercises are quite simple and can also be performed at work and at home. Our recommendation: Consult an expert before you start with pain therapy. Otherwise, complications or intensification of the pain can occur if the exercises are not applied correctly.

Exercises for back pain in the lumbar spine

To relieve back pain or prevent it, various gymnastic exercises can help.

The exercises can have the following positive effects:
- Relaxation of the muscles
- Reduction of tension
- Strengthening of the trunk muscles
- Improvement of posture

Our tip: All exercises should be performed under the guidance of a qualified therapist or trainer.


The most important measures against back pain

The best remedies for back pain are healthy posture and regular exercise. To protect the back in the long term, even a restructuring of the workplace can help. Changing work routines, training and ergonomic aids can greatly reduce the employee's discomfort. For example, an ergonomic chair, a standing aid or height-adjustable desks help to alleviate pain. These are steps you can take to take care of your back:

1. promote mobility in the back (through flexibility and stretching exercises).
2. Shortened and weak muscles need to be exercised through sports.
3. tensions can be relieved by sports and massages.
4. back schools help to lift correctly and to carry in a way that is easy on the back.
5. medicinal treatment with tablets, ointments, gels and plasters (only for a short time).
6. use aids (e.g. forklift, pallet truck, hand truck, crane or by vacuum lifting technique / hose lifter).

Monotonous one-sided work, as well as heavy lifting and carrying, should be banned from everyday work as far as possible. Lifting aids such as hose lifters or transport equipment such as a pallet truck are gentle on the back and more effective in the long term. This permanently relieves the strain on the back.

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