
News from Timmer,
Tips and lots of interesting facts for your business.

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Interesting facts, news and tips

Energy efficiency with Timmer pumps

The ecological footprint and the economical use of resources play a decisive role in industry. Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important. Pneumatic double diaphragm pumps are increasingly coming into focus due to their efficiency. It quickly becomes clear that the potential of these pumps is far from exhausted.

Compared to conventional solutions, we reduce energy consumption by half with our air-powered pumps. We measured these savings in real processes, as efficiency is highly dependent on factors such as flow rate, back pressure, viscosity of the media and operating pressure.

Customised solutions for OEM customers: Timmer focusses on flexibility and innovation

timCLASSIC double diaphragm pumps in response to the growing challenges of OEMs. 
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) customers face a number of complex challenges: They rely on suppliers who not only fulfil the highest quality standards, but are also able to provide technologically innovative and application-specific solutions that integrate seamlessly into existing systems.

Chemical Pumps Hold the Key to Greater Process Reliability

Given the substances used, the complexity of the processes and the potential dangers to people and the environment, process safety plays a more important role in the chemical industry than in almost any other industry. The consequences of failures, leaks and damage to systems can have far-reaching consequences. Chemical pumps in particular are becoming key components for safety and process efficiency.

Timmer product specialist in an interview

On May 15 and 16, the intralogistics specialist from Neuenkirchen (North Rhine Westphalia) presented its forward-looking solutions at Logistics & Automation that allow heavy and unwieldy goods to be moved easily and safely – including the latest developments of the vacuum hose lifters of the quickLIFT, lightLIFT and heavyLIFT series, all of which promise greater efficiency in intralogistics. The focus of the trade fair appearance was the new 'multi-vacuum suction'.

Timmer invests 120,000 euros in Hypercharger

Timmer GmbH has opened Neuenkirchen's first publicly accessible fast charging station for electric cars at its headquarters on Dieselstrasse. The Hypercharger has two charging points and a maximum output of 300 kW. An average charging process to 80 percent battery capacity only takes around 30 minutes. Timmer largely produces the electricity required for this itself - environmentally friendly and CO2-neutral using a photovoltaic system installed last year.

Save energy with compressed air-operated double diaphragm pumps

The topic of energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important in pump technology. In particular, pneumatic, compressed air-operated double diaphragm pumps are in focus due to their efficiency. The starting position in many companies has changed, as energy management and sustainability now play a larger role alongside process reliability, longevity and low pulsation.

back pain

Fight back pain in the lumbar spine

There are many causes for back and neck problems. According to statistics, every fourth German goes to the doctor at least once a year because of back problems. This not only affects physical health, but also the employer. Because of chronic back problems such as back pain in the lumbar spine, many employees are temporarily or even permanently unable to perform their jobs.

Timmer equips BASF Lean Lab with efficient pump technology

Double diaphragm pumps - the basis for the efficient development of automotive coatings. With the Lean Lab, BASF has implemented a modular laboratory concept for the production of automotive coatings at its Münster site. The focus is on digitalized and transparent development processes as well as high resource efficiency. The prerequisite for this is the use of double diaphragm pumps.


The Hand Project: More than a team event

Continuing education and training courses are held at Timmer on a regular basis. We want to give our employees the opportunity to develop and strengthen the cooperation in the team. In mid-September, a special team event was organized that touched us all.

"The Hand Project". 19 managers from Timmer participated in this teambuilding event

Prevent work absences

In many industries, lifting heavy loads is an everyday occurrence for workers. The good news is that lifting aids are used in industry to relieve workers.
The investment pays off! Our customized vacuum lifting aids for industry are gentle on materials and transport your products safely and reliably.
Benefit from many advantages by purchasing a vacuum lifting system.


Vacuum lifting technology: vacuum hose lifters and their advantages

In many industries, lifting and carrying heavy loads is part of everyday life for workers. The consequences: Back pain and the associated loss of motivation and sick leave. To avoid these serious consequences, companies can take preventive action.
An effective relief for workers are vacuum hose lifters.

Fachpack 2022 Vacuum hose lifter stacks up to 2.60 meters high

The Neuenkirchen-based company Timmer presents an addition to the established "timLIFT" hose lifter series in Nuremberg: The innovative "stackLIFT" enables lifting goods close to the ground in an upright body posture and can be tried out for oneself at the exhibition booth. At the same time, the new device can be used for stacking up to a height of 2.60 meters.

Optimized surface result: wood coating with low-pulsation double diaphragm pumps

In wood coating, requirements are continuously increasing - process reliability as well as efficient and sustainable production are becoming more and more important. In this context, fluid pumps in coating plants are a decisive factor, because with a modern double diaphragm pump, precise surface results can be achieved and paints and varnishes can be used in a resource-saving manner.

Ergonomic hose lifters for 50 to 270 kilograms

The "timLIFT" is a further developed hose lifter product line from Timmer.

The focus is on the three series "quickLIFT", "lightLIFT" and "heavyLIFT". All three have an ergonomic design and a low operating noise level in common.

Read the full report:

The pump does it!

BASF relies on efficient double diaphragm pumps from Timmer for paint development.
With the Lean Lab, BASF has implemented a state-of-the-art, modular laboratory concept for the production of automotive coatings at its Münster site. The focus is on digitalized and transparent development processes as well as a high degree of resource efficiency.
Read the full report...

300 Timmer double diaphragm pumps in the BASF Lean Lab in Münster...

(Published on )
BASF development of automotive coatings: Double diaphragm pumps as key components. With the Lean Lab, BASF has implemented a state-of-the-art, modular laboratory concept for the production of automotive coatings at its Münster site. The focus here is on digitized and transparent development processes as well as a high degree of resource efficiency.


Prevention against back pain: lifting and carrying loads

It would be too good if a visit to the doctor could eliminate all back pain with just one tablet. But the problem is often more protracted. If you want to permanently prevent or eliminate back problems and pain, you have to take action yourself.

Double diaphragm pumps for chemical applications

Process-safe heart (Published in CAV 10/2020) The profile for chemical pumps is becoming increasingly complex. Maximum process reliability, leak-free operation and high efficiency are required. For this reason, Timmer relied not only on its own know-how but also on extensive dialog with numerous users when developing the timCHEM double diaphragm pumps. This resulted in a solution with high energy efficiency and significantly improved monitoring and maintenance options.

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