
Double Diaphragm Pumps 1:1
for the chemical industry

The pumps of the timCHEM series have been highly regarded for many years in the chemical industry for their process reliability and easy-maintenance operation.
In addition to these advantages, the timCHEM pump is particularly characterised by its high chemical resistance, as well as good rinsing capability and thus it is ideally suited for use in the chemical industry.
These variants are delivered with an intelligent sensor, which allows real-time testing of the stroke signals by means of a customer PLC. With connection of our tim®LINK module we enable many useful new features that increase profitability, process reliability and facilitate preventive maintenance. Simply integrate our tim®LINK module into your system and benefit from these advantages.

Die Pumpen der Serie tim®CHEM werden seit vielen Jahren für ihren zuverlässigen, prozesssicheren und wartungsfreundlichen Betrieb im Bereich der Chemieindustrie geschätzt. Die tim®CHEM-Pumpe zeichnet sich neben dem äußerst geringen Luftverbrauch insbesondere durch ihre hohe chemische Beständigkeit sowie gute Spülbarkeit aus und ist somit ideal für den Einsatz in der Chemieindustrie geeignet. Diese Varianten werden mit intelligentem Sensor ausgeliefert, der eine Echtzeitprüfung der Hubsignale über eine Kunden-SPS ermöglicht. Mit der Anbindung unseres tim®LINK-Moduls ermöglichen wir viele nutzbringende neue Features für Sie zur Steigerung der Wirtschaftlichkeit, der Prozesssicherheit und der vorbeugenden Instandhaltung. Binden Sie dazu einfach unser tim®LINK-Modul in Ihr System ein.


Easy installation

Easy replacement of the valve balls without dismounting the side cover or the unperforated diaphragms. Special tools are not required for mounting / dismounting. Only 4 sealing rings are installed on the media side.


Start-up safety

Safe start-up of the pump is ensured, even in critical operating situations. The bistable, over-centre valve prevents problematic intermediate positions of the control valve.


Reduced compressed air costs

Optimised geometries with minimal dead spaces, as well as the extremely low start-up pressures, starting at 0.7 bar, reduce energy consumption to a minimum.


Minimal operating & maintenance costs

The low-wear ceramic slide valve and the maintenance-friendly design of the pump guarantee extremely low service costs. In addition, the short-stroke principle prevents the diaphragms from overstretching and thus enables a significantly longer service life.


Variable modular system

A wide range of materials for the individual components and optional expansion options enable use in various applications.


Minimum pulsation

Minimal changeover times in conjunction with the short-stroke principle of the pumps reduce pulsation to a minimum and ensure a more uniform media flow.


Material design

Timmer Double Diaphragm Pumps are available in PTFE and PE versions.



Timmer pumps are in accordance with the ATEX directive.



A G 3/4 “thread version is also available as an option.


Minimum pulsation

Minimal changeover times in conjunction with the short-stroke principle of the pumps reduce pulsation to a minimum and ensure a more uniform media flow.


Maximisation of service life

The ceramic slide valve that is used works virtually free of wear. The short-stroke principle prevents over-extension of the diaphragm and thus enables a long service life.


Increased process reliability

Safe start-up of the pump is ensured, even in critical operating situations. The bistable, over-centre valve prevents problematic intermediate positions of the control valve.


Reduced compressed air costs

Optimised geometries with minimal dead spaces, as well as the extremely low start-up pressures <0.7 bar, reduce energy consumption to a minimum.


Easy installation

Easy replacement of the valve balls without dismounting the side cover or the unperforated diaphragms.Special tools are not required for mounting / dismounting. Only 4 sealing rings are installed on the media side.


Minimal maintenance costs

The durable short-stroke diaphragms, the low-wear ceramic slide valve and the maintenance-friendly structure of the pump guarantee extremely low service costs.


Material design

Timmer Double Diaphragm Pumps are available in PTFE and PE versions.



Timmer pumps are in accordance with the ATEX directive.



A G 3/4 “thread version is also available as an option.


max. 60 l/min

Double Diaphragm Pump tim®CHEM 
type PTI-MEM5060V



double diaphragm pump PTI-MEM5150

max. 150 l/min

Double Diaphragm Pump timCHEM 
type PTI-MEM5150V




1 1/2"
max. 300 l/min

Double Diaphragm Pump timCHEM 
type PTI-MEM5300V



Ready for Future
This pump is equipped with an intelligent sensor as standard. This opens up many new possibilities for you with your PLC in terms of economy, digitization, statistics, preventive maintenance and process optimization.


max. 600 l/min

Double Diaphragm Pump timCHEM 
Typ PTI-MEM5600V


Ready for Future
This pump is equipped with an intelligent sensor as standard. This opens up many new possibilities for you with your PLC in terms of economy, digitization, statistics, preventive maintenance and process optimization.


“Effective immediately, with the tim®IOT, we at Timmer are offering a digital solution for location-independent, real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, even for pneumatic double diaphragm pumps.”

Variants declared with this logo are supplied as standard with an IoT-capable intelligent sensor that enables the stroke signals to be checked in real time via a customer PLC.

With connection of our tim®IOT smartbox we enable many useful new features increase profitability, process reliability and facilitate preventive maintenance. Simply integrate our tim®IOT smartbox in your system and benefit from these advantages.

Other pump types can optionally be equipped with the sensor ex works.


phone: +49 (0)5973-9493-0
fax: +49 (0)5973-9493-90

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