Due to the quick amortisation, the investment in a vacuum lifter has already paid for itself after a short time. The shorter cycle times save time and the lower number of sickness-related downtimes lead to lower costs.
Individuality is important to us: we take your needs into account and customise the vacuum lifting device for you. In addition, our lifting aids for industry are low-maintenance and reliable.
The economic component is also right. Due to the material-friendly and fast lifting, loading and unloading, for example, becomes more efficient and cost-effective. However, a company's most important resource is its own employees. The satisfaction of the entire team has an impact on the company's success. This is an aspect that many companies underestimate.
An ever-increasing number of employees complain about health problems at work. All the more important: take a close look at causes, symptoms and solutions.
Protect employees, increase motivation
One-sided, monotonous and heavy work has serious consequences: back problems. The employees are restricted in their ability to move and the work is carried out more slowly due to the relieving posture.
In the worst case, employees are temporarily or even permanently unable to work due to back pain.
But back pain is not just a physical ailment. The complaints go far beyond physical effects. The psyche is also affected. The consequences are loss of quality, lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, reduced performance and even depression. Thus, back complaints interfere with the private life and recreation of employees. With such stresses and strains affecting everyday work and private life, it is obvious: poor working conditions lead to resignations.
To prevent employee dissatisfaction and subsequent dismissals, one thing above all is important: an attractive working environment. In many fields of work, ergonomic working plays a major role and is at the same time considered a great challenge. However, working in a way that is easy on the back and thus relieves the strain on employees can be achieved with simple aids. In this way, companies reduce absenteeism due to illness and increase motivation at the workplace.
Individual solutions for lifting aids in industry
By purchasing vacuum lifting equipment, you enhance your reputationas an employer.... Every employee feels well taken care of when their needs are taken seriously.
Common lifting and transport equipment such as cranes, pallet trucks and forklift trucks have long made work in the company easier. But what about transporting and lifting bulky plates, crates, canisters, sacks, buckets and boxes?
Employees of different companies have to lift and transport many of these lifting goods. This activity is often strenuous and monotonous. Often it cannot be done by one person alone (for example with bulky plates). A second worker is needed. With our lifting solutions, it is not only possible to perform monotonous and heavy tasks in a way that is easy on the back. With our vacuum hose lifters you can save labour! Bulky lifting objects can be easily lifted by only one person.
Increase the job satisfaction of your employees and counteract the shortage of skilled workers!
We are happy to advise you
Cardboard boxes, bagged goods, buckets, plates, barrels, canisters, crates and more. Whatever you want to lift, we have the solution for you.
Would you like to find out how we can support you in your business with our vacuum lifting technology?
Your employees value a healthy workplace. Contact us now and let us advise you individually.
We will be happy to demonstrate our products to you. In our showroom, you can see for yourself the added value of our timLIFT series (vacuum lifting technology).